Recently, democratic versus autocratic regimes have been a source of debate and the US democracy was sorely tested in the 2020 election. In the PURE world order, there is a worldwide governing body, characterized by constitutional laws, some aspects of totalitarian control and manipulation of information. World Governors are elevated or promoted into leadership roles, with some similarities to the corporate world with a ruling board, comprised of regional leaders, as opposed to one leader.

Yes, I agree that we really couldn't fathom how our modern day democracies could be threatened until recently. The difference with PURE is that rather than one leader, there are regional 'pairs' who run the world via a board of directors. Perhaps less likely to have corruption at the top although it still seems to be a form of authoritarianism. Media manipulation seems to be a common theme in how we destroy democracy and lose our freedom.
Susan Levoy: Trump certainly illustrated the fact that trying to run a country like a corporation does not work. He claimed he was going to drain the swamp but we we all know how that ended. Manipulation of information was also demonstrated with his Twitter account. The instructor of a current events course I took in the 90’s told us to never take our democracy for granted. It has only been in the last 4 years that I truly understand what she meant.